Institution of Marriage in Canon Law

Sabina Karp

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


Marriage is associated with the nature of man, therefore it belongs to the or­der of natural law and exists as an institution of law in all social and legal circles. Spouses form a family, recognised as the basic form of social life, which is a pri­mary and independent social group that appears in every phase of civilisation development. This family, the beginning of which is seen in a marriage, is con­sidered a multi-faceted concept. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminded that marriage was at the heart of the person, human and Christian community. As it emphasises, man still encounters the mystery of creation, which includes the unusual calling of a man and woman to create a special community. The vo­cation to marriage and love becomes the innate calling of every human being, resulting in not only a physical complement, but also a spiritual enrichment of both spouses.

Analysing the institution of marriage from the canonical point of view, the task is to remind the value of family and its huge role in shaping every human being.


marriage, canon law, marriage purposes, marriage qualities, Church jurisdiction

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Sabina Karp 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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