Resignation of a shareholder of a simple joint-stock company

Paweł Marcin Zdanikowski

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The subject matter of the article is the analysis of the institution of the resignation of a shareholder in a simple joint-stock company. The author considers the introduction of an institution granting a shareholder the right to exit the company as justified. It may form an instrument for the protection of interests of shareholder (usually the minority of them), which on the one hand are marginalized by other shareholders (usually the majority), and on the other hand find it impossible (due to legal or actual grounds) to dispose of their shares, regardless of whether the company does not consent it, or there is no demand for them, due to the situation of the company. The author critically assesses the regulation of the institution of resignation. He believes that it will be ineffective in its current form: first, because of the requirement for the petitioner to sue all the remaining shareholders. Secondly, due to the scope of court cognition, which is too narrow, the current regulation can be effective only if the company voluntarily buys out after losing the case in the resignation proceedings. Otherwise, effective resignation from the company will require an action for a commitment to make a declaration of intent, followed by an action for payment. The article also contains specific suggestions for optimizing this provision.


simple joint-stock company, resignation of a shareholder, membership in a simple joint-stock company

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Zdanikowski, P. M. (2021). Resignation of a shareholder of a simple joint-stock company. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 159–178.

Paweł Marcin Zdanikowski
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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