Cash benefit due to Police officer reinstated to the Police service for a period of being out of service – selected issues

Paweł Stanisław Gacek

Komenda Głowna Policji , Poland


The article has been entirely devoted to issues related to the institution of cash benefit which is granted in connection with the reinstatement to service in the Police, which is included in the Art. 42 (5) Act on the Police. Restoration to service occurs by virtue of law upon the materialisation of the conditions referred to in Art. 42 (1) or (7) Act on the Police. The consequence of reinstatement to service in the Police is the obligation to grant the Police officer cash benefit for the period while being out of service. The granting of this cash benefit is obligatory while its amount is specified by the administrative authority. Art. 42 (5) Act on the Police specifies a minimum and maximum amount of this cash benefit. Attention was also focused on discussing the legal character of this institution and authorised entities who can use it.



Police, Police officer, service relationship, (restoration) reinstatement to service, dismissal from the service in the Pfolice, cash benefit for the period of being out of service

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Paweł Stanisław Gacek
Komenda Głowna Policji


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