Interpretation in dubio pro naturam in Polish law

Bartosz Rakoczy

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu , Poland


Fully justified reasons exist to consider the interpretation according to the law
as it stands, applying the precautionary principle in dubio pro naturam (when in
doubt, decide in favour of the environment). Arguments for and against are
weighty but perhaps with more favour to intergenerational thinking, which is
conducive to the interpretation in favour of the environment. Perhaps, the principle
of sustainable development will be a normative reference point for this directive
of interpretation. Perhaps, it is finally time to consider if the particular interest
of an individual, although very important, should not be treated inferior to
the health and life of all people and, ultimately, also of such an individual.


environment,, environmental protection, interpretation,, sustainable development principle

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Bartosz Rakoczy 
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


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