The Polish model of the "Good Samaritan Clause" - a criminal law perspective

Jacek Potulski

University of Gdańsk , Poland


The article describes a new legal regulation limiting the criminal liability of medical personnel in connection with the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 – the regulation is also called the “Good Samaritan Clause”. The author analyses the individual signs of contra-type and tries to find the practicalities of the regulation. The paper also examines postulates de lege ferenda relating to the individual signs of the act and the scope of the regulation. In the course of the analysis, a dogmatic-linguistic method was used as the basic means of analysing the legal text. The article is one of the first analyses of the provision and therefore refers to the regulation of the Criminal Code as a comparative ground.


Criminal liability of medics, Contra-type, Good Samaritan Clause, special regulations in the fight against COVID-19

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