Probation officer’s vigilance over a cleric who has committed a "contra sextum cum minore" offence
Adam Jaszcz
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland
The research problem presented in this article concerns the interpretation of the office of probation officer for clergy in matters requiring the supervision of an offender who committed a contra sextum cum minore offence. The author addresses the question of which offences are to be classified as grave offences within the meaning of Can. 1339 § 5 and on what basis. The meta-legal as well as the legal-canonical dimensions of supervision are presented. Furthermore, a system-related postulate on the protection of minors in Poland and a de lege ferenda postulate relating to the institution of supervision in the Code.
curator, vigilance, clergy, crimes contra sextum cum minoreReferences
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The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

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