The Issue of the Ultra Vires Principle in Turkish Company Law: Has It Been Abolished or Just Hidden?

Mustafa Yasan

Sakarya University , Туреччина


The Turkish Code of Commerce (TCC) numbered 6102 contains numerous radical regulations as reforms in the Turkish company law. One of these provi­sions is the TCC A.125 which regulates the capacity of commercial companies to have rights and obligations. This article deals with the ultra vires principle which was transferred to the Continental European law system, including the Turkish legislation from the UK law system. The ultra vires principle had previously ex­pired in the continental European legal system (in particular the Swiss Code of Obligations) which has inspired the TCC as a referring codification. As a result of these developments by the TCC A.125, in contrast to the ultra vires principle, commercial companies are allowed to be entitled and liable for all kinds of mat­ters, except those which are human-specific. For this reason, companies’ legal per­sonalities may have the capacity to have rights and obligations in matters other than their fields of operation. In other words, thanks to the TCC A.135, the ultra vires principle has been abandoned. It can be assumed that harmonization be­tween the TCC and the EU directives has been achieved in the sense of abolishing the ultra vires principle. However, when several provisions randomly scattered in the TCC are taken into consideration, it is obviously seen that the legislator still accepts the field of operation issue as a criterion in about 20 articles. This leads to a question about the actual abolishment of the ultra vires principle. To put it brief­ly, the legislator’s choice in the new company law regime shows that the TCC has not abandoned the ultra vires principle completely, but it still retains its validity in a hidden way by only changing its form and scope.

Ключові слова:

Ultra vires principle, Turkish Code of Commerce, Turkish Company Law, Capacity to have rights and obligations, Commercial companies

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Yasan, M. (2020). The Issue of the Ultra Vires Principle in Turkish Company Law: Has It Been Abolished or Just Hidden?. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 359–375.


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