Some Remarks on the Lexis of the Subdialect of Nomiki Village, Sokółka District in the Middle Years of the Twentieth Century

Michał Kondratiuk

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku , Poland


Nomiki (dialectal: nˡom’ik’i) is an old village of royal peasants in Grodno county. During measurement of ground about 1560. The first mention of the village of Nomikowiczy dates back to 1578. Lithuanians and Ruthenians serving serfdom on the farm in Odelsko were imprisoned there. After the Swedish invasion, some of the abandoned lands were given to the peasants who were displaced from the villages handed over to the Tatars.During the dialectical research of Stanisław Glinka (1957 and 1971), the inhabitants mostly spoke Belarusian, partially Polish.

The article presents the examples of usage two or more different names to define the same designate, activity or phenomenon. There were the names used in the past and nowadays, or the names which were out of use due to scientific and technical progress, evolution of culture and education. Changes in replacing Ruthenian names with Polish names are clearly visible, often depending on the age of the informant (generational changes).


atlas, subdialect, dialect, settlement, language changes

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Kondratiuk, M. (2021). Uwagi o zmianach leksykalnych w gwarze sokólskiej wsi Nomiki w połowie XX wieku. TEKA Commission of Polish-Ukrainian Cultural Ties, 6, 113–119.

Michał Kondratiuk
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku