Ukrainian historical lexicography, combination issues and а combinatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language

Hanna Didik-Meush

Відділ української мови Інституту українознавства ім. І. Крип’якевича НАН України, м. Львів , Ukraine


The initial and practical interest in the compatibility of words as an object of lexicographic description led to the emergence of combinatorial lexicography – an independent direction within the general theory of lexicography. Part of the problem of describing compatibility is related to general lexicographic principles, and partly on the theory of compatibility. That is why combinatorial lexicography can be classified as a sphere of lexicography, the purpose of which is theoretical and practical issues of creating compatibility dictionaries.

Adjective-substantive phrases provide valuable material for lexicographical interpretation, as evidenced by the Combinatorial Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language of the 16th–18th centuries – the first attempt in Slavic lexicography in general and in Ukrainian lexicography in particular to codify lexical-syntactic compatibility on the material of written monuments. Combinatorial dictionary of the Ukrainian language of the 16th–18th centuries combines the features of two lexicons. First, the combinatorial dictionary is a historical dictionary and, secondly, a combinatorial dictionary, that is, a compatibility dictionary. On the one hand, it occupies its proper place in the combinatorial lexicography system, on the other hand, it is a distinctive dictionary, since all of the combinatorial dictionaries known today are created with a didactic purpose, moreover, based on modern literary lexical material and function as bilingual.


combinability, combinatorics, combinatorial lexicography, historical dictionary, combinatorial dictionary, adjective-substantive phrases

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Hanna Didik-Meush
Відділ української мови Інституту українознавства ім. І. Крип’якевича НАН України, м. Львів