Talks above time. Józef Łobodowski’s "Pamięci Sulamity"

Alicja Jakubowska-Ożóg, prof. dr hab.

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Poland


The discussion concerns the poems by an emigration poet Józef Łobodziński which are devoted to Zuzanna Ginczanka, a poet murdered just before the end of the war. She authored one collection of poems titled O centaurach which was published before the war and forecast a very interesting artistic output. Łobodziński titled his collection-epitaph Pamięci Sulamity. The collection combines eighteen poems - memoirs of the deceased poet. The author creates a peculiar poetic epitaph in which the character of the murdered Jew occupies a special place. The poems exhibit a specific relation between both poets as kindred spirits and also based on their love for words. All texts contain parts which resemble a conversation conducted at various levels, and concerning diverse ranges of relations - from memories of meetings, talks, to projections of sexually-marked situations.


memoir, epitaph, poetic imaging, poet-lover, sacrifice, symbol

Araszkiewicz A., Wypowiadam wam moje życie. Melancholia Zuzanny Ginczanki, Warszawa 2001.

Ginczanka Z., Mądrość jak rozkosz. Wiersze wybrane, wybór i posłowie Agata Araszkiewicz, Warszawa 2017.

Kiec I., Zuzanna Ginczanka. Życie i twórczość, Poznań 1994.

Łobodowski J., Pamięci Sulamity, Toronto 1987.

Szypowska I., Rozmowa z Józefem Łobodowskim, „Scriptores” (W stulecie urodzin Józefa Łobodowskiego) nr 35, t.1, Lublin 2009.

Słowianie – wiara przyrodzona. Mitologia Słowian – Boginie i Bogowie Słowiańscy – Cywilizacja Słowiańska. W:

Śpiewak J., Zuzanna, Gawęda tragiczna, [w:] Przyjaźnie i animozje, Warszawa 1965, s. 189.

Wojda D., „Sprawy korzenne”. Fenomenologia Zuzanny Ginczanki. W:


Jakubowska-Ożóg, A. (2020). Rozmowy ponad czasem. Józef Łobodowski "Pamięci Sulamity". TEKA Commission of Polish-Ukrainian Cultural Ties, 6(14), 91–101.

Alicja Jakubowska-Ożóg, prof. dr hab.
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski