Interpretive defects in the work about liturgical irregularities. On a side note of Daniel Mielnik’s book

Na marginesie książki Dawida Mielnika

Janusz Królikowski

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow , Poland


In this item we take a critical perspective at certain analyses and theses of Daniel Mielnik, which he includes in his book: De defectibus od Mszału Piusa V do Mszału Jana XXIII. Pomiędzy wiernością i zmianą (Lublin 2022). The author of the book examines the rubrics which were promulgated in the Missal of Pius V in the section De defectibus and later underwent multifarious modifications until the Missal of John XXIII (1962). Then the author juxtaposes his study with the Missal of Paul VI in which the regulations concerning the irregularities in the celebration of the Holy Mass were omitted, evaluating this fact in a highly critical manner. In his research, however, D. Mielnik overrides a series of significant historical and theological issues which if taken into consideration do not allow such an unequivocally negative judgement. What is more, in numerous instances he commits serious theological errors.


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Janusz Królikowski
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


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