Aesthetics and Theology – An Attempt to Determine Their Meeting Place


The contemporary age, also called postmodernity, is an epoch which considers aesthetical categories as being particularly important. This situation is provoked by the fact that today existence is orientated especially towards experience. This orientation, in turn, also influences theology and causes more and more appreciation of aesthetical categories. However, a proper “aestheticization” of theology needs a proper theological methodology. The spectrum of the interests of aesthetics is very large, and aesthetic categories themselves have been understood differently over the centuries. For this very reason a creative use of beauty in theology postulates a preliminary determination of the kinds of interaction between aesthetics and theology.

The article is thus an attempt to discover various modes of dialogue between these two domains, especially from the historical and systematic perspectives, while also taking into account the open problems of this mutual interaction.


Aesthetics, Beauty, Methodology of Theology, Theological Aesthetics, Revelation

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