Substance as a Term Used in Trinitology
This article deals with the understanding of the term substance in trinitology. The issues connected with the substance of God and each of the Persons will be dealt with in other articles. In every religion the substance of God possesses personality. In Christianity it is threesome personality. For this very reason the term “substance” obtains a new meaning. In the history of Christian theology, the notion concerning the connection of one substance of God with three different Persons was developed. The orthodox mainstream, while emphasizing their autonomy also stressed the distinctness of creatures from their Creator. The thought trend which nullified the differences between the Persons was also inclined to blur the difference between the substance of God and the substance of the world. In theological thought as a whole, it is important to understand the general term “substance” in the context of the wholeness of problems. This term, just like any other, has its own meaning, but it also bears other, different meanings depending on the context. In trinitology, the substance of God is both one and of threesome character.
term, meaning, substance, person, philosophy, theologyReferences
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