A (Non)Computable World. Philosophical and Theological Reflections on the Limits of Rationality

Antoni Nadbrzeżny

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


Contemporary developments in science challenge philosophy and theology much more deeply than it was in the past. Scientific research on artificial intelligence has brought us the new problems to be solved. So then the question arises: can the computer have a mind like a human? In this interdisciplinary article the author deals with the question of the limits of the rationality. He analyses the range of problems discussed in the field of science, philosophy and theology. He presents Roger Penrose’s idea of a non-computable (non-algorithmic) character of the human consciousness. Because of this basic feature humans are not reducible to the computer. The author takes into consideration the
mystery of world and shows its relevance for the theology. Finally, he draws attention to the necessity to develop science-theology dialogue and to elaborate a new discipline called theology of science.


Roger Penrose, artificial intelligence, non-computable consciousness, mystery of world, theology of science, dialogue between theology and science

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Antoni Nadbrzeżny 
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0973-3625


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