Potential Celibacy of Christians as a Sign of a Victory Over an Idol of Sexuality. Theological Reflections


The article presents the subject of celibacy in the context of cultural chaos in sexual life, which we observe in the contemporary world. The sexuality, marked by the original sin, seems to be an ambiguous phenomenon: on the one hand, it is a sphere through which we can express our deep love towards the other person, but on the other hand, it is a sphere when we egoistically abuse the others. Because of this ambiguity, sexuality easily becomes a god for a person, taking real God’s place in his heart. The Gospel gives people infinite freedom from everything, which is not God, also from sexual fulfillment. Then, the celibacy becomes the feature of every Christian, as they enjoy spiritual freedom and thus, they are ready to give up their sexual lives. Thanks to the freedom, given by the Holy Spirit, every Christian becomes a sign of the fact that only God himself can bring a person lasting and deep happiness.


sexuality, celibacy, virginity, marriage, idolatry

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