Characteristics of Polish Sanctuaries to the Virgin Mary With Figurines and Pictures of the Virgin Mary Crowned in Poland in the II Half of the XX Century in Geographical Aspect

Krzysztof Staniek


The article characterizes sanctuaries devoted to the cult of the Virgin Mary in Poland with pictures and figures of the Virgin Mary crowned in the II half of the XX century. In the first part the location of the sanctuaries is presented. It’s worth noticing that there are lots of sanctuaries especially in the Little Poland and in Wielkopolska. The second part presents the tradition and history of sanctuaries. The third part takes into account the time of the coronation. It’s noticeable that a lot of coronation ceremonies took place during celebrations of the 1000 anniversary of the Christianization of Poland and during Pope’s visits to Poland.


sanctuary to the Virgin Mary, the pictures of the Virgin Mary crowned, titles of Mary, cult's translocation, Millenial celebrations of Poland's Baptism, Pope's John Paul II visits to Poland, Stephen Wyszyński, John Paul II, Joseph Glemp


Krzysztof Staniek 


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