Marital Satisfaction and a Sense of Life’s Meaning Among Couples Struggling with Infertility. A Theological-Pastoral Take

Jacek Goleń

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The problem of infertility today constitutes a challenge for pastoral theology and pastoral care of families. This article, of a theological-empirical character, addresses the correlation between marital satisfaction and a sense of life’s meaning among infertile married couples who seek help in Catholic clinics for infertility treatment. It first discusses the theoretical background and selected results of existing scholarship on the influence that infertility has on conjugal relations and a sense of life’s meaning. Then, it outlines the group of infertile married individuals studied and elucidates the research methodology employed. Then, the results of the research into a sense of life’s meaning and marital satisfaction are presented, together with the correlation between the two factors. The final section of the article offers conclusions drawn from the research conducted. The article argues that a sense of life’s meaning is visibly contingent on the respondents’ martial satisfaction, especially on their working together on their problems and leading trustful conversations about them, on their care for strengthening their mutual love, and on showing the spouse that they are loved. On this basis, the article argues that pastoral care offered to infertile couples needs to enhance their faith, which will have a positive impact on their sense of life’s meaning and on their marital satisfaction. Both within regular work at clinics for infertility diagnosis and treatment and within pastoral care, infertile couples should be taught to show care for their mutual bond, especially to have conversations that will enable them to manifest and strengthen their love and solve problems, as this would foster their marital satisfaction and enhance their sense of life’s meaning.


infertility, infertile couples, martial satisfaction, a sense of life's meaning, pastoral care of married couples

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Goleń, J. (2020). Marital Satisfaction and a Sense of Life’s Meaning Among Couples Struggling with Infertility. A Theological-Pastoral Take. Verbum Vitae, 38(2), 457–472.

Jacek Goleń
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Jacek Goleń, prezbiter diecezji rzeszowskiej, doktor habilitowany nauk teologicznych w zakresie teologii pastoralnej (duszpasterstwo rodzin), profesor KUL, kierownik Katedry Duszpasterstwa Rodzin KUL, konsultor Rady ds. Rodziny Konferencji Episkopatu Polski, członek Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Pastoralistów i Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Familiologicznego; autor publikacji z zakresu duszpasterstwa rodzin, w tym książek: Wychowanie seksualne w rodzinie. Studium pastoralne (Rzeszów 2006), Motywy zawarcia małżeństwa sakramentalnego. Studium z duszpasterstwa rodzin w świetle badań narzeczonych (Lublin 2013); współautor monografii Droga miłosierdzia i integracji w adhortacji Amoris laetitia. Perspektywa dogmatyczna, moralna i pastoralna (Lublin 2020); redaktor naczelny monografii Catholic Family Ministry. The Scientific Reflection and the Practical Ministry of the Church (Lublin 2018); zainteresowania naukowe: podstawy i zadania duszpasterstwa rodzin, teologia małżeństwa i rodziny, psychologia rodziny, badania interdyscyplinarne i empiryczne na gruncie teologii praktycznej.


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