As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The text is fully original and does not infringe third-party rights.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it a subject of publication procedures in another journal (or an appropriate statement has been provided in "Comments to the Editor").
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the "Author Guidelines", which are found in "About" the journal section. One should take note of the requirement to provide the ORCID number, to include a full bibliography with the names of publishers and a short biography.
I declare that all information about the contribution of other persons and institutions participating in the drawing up of the text has been provided and I exclude any “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” in the present submission. I am also aware of the legal and scientific consequences of a false disclosure concerning ghostwriting and guest authorship.
If it applies, the author should indicate the financial aid received in order to create the scientific article.
Author/Authors declares that he/she/they have the right to dispose of materials placed in the manuscript, such as texts, photos, maps, plans, etc., and their use in the manuscript does not infringe any third party copyrights.
I declare that the article was written without the use of artificial intelligence tools (AI). If this is not the case, please include an appropriate explanation in the "Comments to the editor" section (what kind of tools were used and to what extent).
Author Guidelines
Texts published in “Verbum Vitae” should have a strictly scholarly character.
Submitted texts shall not have been previously published. However, it is possible to publish in English texts of high scientific value that have already been published in another language.
Papers submitted for the thematic volumes (March and September) may be in Polish or another of the congress languages (English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish). Papers submitted for the “Varia” issues (June and December) must be written exclusively in English.
The length of the manuscript, including text, footnotes, and bibliography, should be no longer than 10,000 words or 70,000 characters (counting the spaces).
Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman font, with the text in 12-point font and the footnotes in 10-point font.
Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Greek, Coptic, and Arabic texts (and any other text in a non-Latin alphabet) should be set in their proper characters, using Unicode fonts. In cases where transliteration seems appropriate, the academic style that should be used is that specified in The SBL Handbook of Style. Second Edition (Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2014) 55–67. When quoting Hebrew or Aramaic texts, generally a consonantal text should be presented, with the vocalization provided only when it is important for the issue under discussion.
Whether or not a transliteration is provided, at least the first occurrence of a Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, or Coptic word or phrase under discussion should normally be accompanied by the translation of its meaning into the article’s language.
Citations of ancient texts in their original language must be limited to words or phrases that are essential for the argument being made. One should not cite exceedingly long biblical passages.
Biblical references. Inclusive citations of chapters and verses should employ an en dash between the verse numbers as well as between the numbers of chapters (e.g., Mt 5:3–12; Mk 8:34–9:1). There are no periods after the abbreviations of biblical books. Chapter and verse are separated with a colon, not a period or a comma. Please give inclusive verse references (e.g. Acts 2:1–12). Abbreviations such as f. or ff. (e.g. Acts 2:1ff.) should not be used. The abbreviated name of a biblical or apocryphal book is to be used only when numerical reference to both chapter and verse follows: John 1; Luke 19–24 (chaps. 19–24), but Jn 1:2; Lk 3:4, 6, 8; 13:9–14:4. In a list of references, references to different chapters and books are separated by semicolons (followed by a space), while a list of verses within a chapter is separated by a comma (followed by a space).
Exact bibliographic references should be used, specifying the actual page number(s), and references such as n., nn. or f., ff. should be avoided.
The first page of the article should include the following elements: (1) title of the article in the language in which the article has been written; (2) title of the article in English; (3) author’s full name: first name(s) and surname(s); (4) author’s scientific affiliation or, if the author has no scientific affiliation, the place of author’s residence; (5) ORCID number. You can get it by completing the online form: If you have forgotten this number, you can find it at; (6) institutional email address of the author; (7) abstract in the language in which the article has been written; (8) keywords in the language in which the article has been written; (9) abstract in English; (10) keywords in English. If the article has been written in English, its title, abstract, and keywords in another language are not required.
The abstract should indicate (1) the problem discussed in the article, (2) the structure of the analysis, (3) the method, and (4) the main result or conclusion of the analysis. Abstracts should be at least 100 words (750 characters) long and should not exceed 250 words (1,500 characters).
When preparing the article, remember that the text should be structured, namely, the introduction, the subsequent parts of the analysis, and the conclusion should all be distinctly marked by subheadings. The text of the article should not include more than three levels of subdivision.
The bibliography, comprising all the references cited in the notes, should be added at the end of the text. Do not include items that are not quoted in the notes and footnotes. The bibliography should include full bibliographic descriptions. The rules concerning notes, footnotes, and bibliography are presented below.
In the bibliography, any work which, as published, appears in non-Latin alphabets should be given in transliteration, in Latin characters. Precise guidelines as to the transliteration can be found here.
The last page of the article should include a short biographical sketchof the author, which will be published on the journal's website. It should contain (1) academic degree(s), (2) academic affiliation and duties, (3) a few (max. three) most important and/or recent publications, (4) field of interest, and (5) responsibilities in academic societies.
The formatting of the text submitted in the electronic version should be minimal, generally limited to paragraph indents, centering of text, italics, and boldface.
Quotations of five or more lines in any language should appear as a separate indented paragraph, in smaller type than that used for the body of the article, and not set off with quotation marks. The line spacing of such blocks should be set at “1” (single-spaced).
Texts should be submitted as digital word processing files in Microsoft Word format (docx, doc, rtf), and only after prior registration on the journal’s website (use the “Register” tab). If the manuscript contains material difficult to edit, e.g. non-Latin fonts, it should also be sent in PDF format.
Articles submitted for publication in “Verbum Vitae” are reviewed in such a way as to ensure their essential originality, in terms of concept, presentation and wording, including analysis via the iThenticate anti-plagiarism program. The detailed review process is described on the quarterly’s website under “About the Journal”.
The editors of "Verbum Vitae” reserve the right to verify submitted texts for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in them.
The editors of “Verbum Vitae” reserve the right to make stylistic emendations in all manuscripts approved for publication. Before publication, authors will first receive a docx version of their edited text and also a PDF version of the proofs of their submission, for correction. The corrected proofs should be sent back to the Editorial Team as soon as possible.
Editorial Guidelines
Since 2024, new rules for making footnotes and bibliographies apply, following the Author-Data style, according to the guidelines of TheChicago Manual of Style (17th edition). A detailed description of this style is available here.
Practical guidance for authors, with examples: here.
Copyright Notice
The author(s) grant (s) to the Licensee a non-exclusive and royalty-free license in accordance with the provisions of the Appendix: LICENSE TO USE THE WORK