New Personalistic Philosophy Based on Hans Eduard Hengstenberg’s Interpretation of Max Scheler's System

Piotr Pasterczyk

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The article discusses the possibility of a new personalistic anthropology rooted in philosophia perennis and modern phenomenology, based on the thoughts of German anthropologist Hans Eduard Hengstenberg. Unlike Wojtyła and Stein, who did not create a new synthesis based on Husserl’s or Scheler’s phenomenology and the metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas, Hengstenberg was able to create an original concept of the human person involving metaphysical and phenomenological inspirations. It is personalism, based on the phenomenological theory of a spiritual act (Scheler) and the metaphysical theory of constitution (Plato, St. Augustine). According to Hengstenberg, the possibility of a new personalistic philosophy starts with a phenomenological analysis of three basic attitudes of human behavior: consensual to the object of cognition and emotion, contrary to the object of cognition and emotion, and utilitarian. The metaphysical heart of Hengstenberg’s personalism forms the theory of the metaphysical constitution of the spirit, body and personalistic principle.


person, phenomenology, metaphysics, constitution, body, spirit

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Pasterczyk, P. (2020). New Personalistic Philosophy Based on Hans Eduard Hengstenberg’s Interpretation of Max Scheler’s System. Verbum Vitae, 38(2), 593–611.

Piotr Pasterczyk
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Rev. Piotr Pasterczyk, born in 1968 in Rzeszów, Poland, studied theology and philosophy at the Catholic University of Lublin (Poland) and Albert-Ludwigs Universität in Freiburg i. Breisgau (Germany). He earned S.T.D. in ecumenical dogmatic theology defending his thesis: Theologie des kirchlichen Amtes (Theology of Church’s Ministry) written under the supervision of prof. Gisbert Greshake and Ph.D. in philosophy discussing his thesis: Der Traum des Sokrates und das Problem der Dialektik im Theaitetos (The Dream of Socrates and the Problem of Dialectic in Theaitetos) written under the guidance of prof. Günther Figal. Since 2009 he serves as an assistant professor in the Institute of Culture as well as in the Institute of Theoretical Philosophy at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.


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