Candidates for the Priesthood in Poland A.D. 2020: A Research Report

Krzysztof Pawlina

Catholic Academy in Warsaw, Poland , Poland


The article essentially aims at answering who were the Polish young men wishing to become priests in 2020 as compared with the candidates who entered Polish seminaries in 2000. The answer was based on quantitative and qualitative surveys conducted in 2000 and 2019 among seminarians at the very beginning of their priestly formation. The questionnaires, though exposing great cognitive possibilities, cannot measure what concerns the mystery of vocation or faith. Despite these limitations, the obtained results have allowed us to find out, for example, where the seminarians came from and what their backgrounds were. They also show their interests, the level of their general and religious knowledge as well as their values. Of importance was to get to know their visions of the priesthood and the Church. The present paper, as a synthesis of the study published in book form, gives a profile of the contemporary candidate for the priesthood. The results of the research can be used by formators and all those who make arrangements for the introduction of the new Ratio Institutionis in Poland.


seminarian, vocations, candidates for the priesthood, youth

Pawlina, K., Kandydaci do kapłaństwa trzeciego tysiąclecia (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sióstr Loretanek 2002).

Pawlina, K., Powołania kapłańskie AD 2020 (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Collegium Bobolanum 2020).



Pawlina, K. (2021). Candidates for the Priesthood in Poland A.D. 2020: A Research Report. Verbum Vitae, 39(2), 451–469.

Krzysztof Pawlina
Catholic Academy in Warsaw, Poland

Krzysztof Pawlina, priest of the Archdiocese of Warsaw, professor of theological sciences, rector of the Catholic Academy of Warsaw (former: Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Warsaw), chairman of the Committee on Theological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, chairman of the College of Deans of the Faculties of Theology in Poland, secretary of the Science Council of the Polish Episcopal Conference, chairman of the Warsaw Theological Society, member of the Episcopal Commission for the Clergy, dean of the Warsaw
Metropolitan Chapter; in 1997–2010 he was the Rector of the Major Seminary in Warsaw. In his academic work, he deals with three areas: youth, new evangelization, and priesthood. He is the author of many scholarly and popular publications, books, including those for and about young people as well as several volumes of poetry.


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