The Philosophization of Christianity
Whereas all major aspects of the Hellenic civilization faded away at the triumph of the Christian religion, only Greek philosophy remained, and found some original developments inside the new cultural environment. Therefore, we should speak rather of philosophization than of hellenization of Christianity. Many earlier Christian authors were indeed hostile towards philosophy, yet Justin’s, Clement’s and Origen’s line prevailed, saying it could provide a propedeutics to the understanding of faith, although not as a whole but specifically in its Platonic and Aristotelian tradition. The Church Fathers gathered from the repertoire of these sources most notions and topics useful for two aims: firstly, the assumption of the free will supporting ethics, and the demonstration of the divine providence as a pivot for theodicy; secondly, the refutation of pagan idolatry and contemporary heresies. Above all, against the Manicheans they made wide use of the key concepts drawn from the Aristotelian ontology. The philosophization has become an integral part of Christian identity and vision.
Hellenization of Christianity, Patristic Thought, Theodicy, Aristotelian ontologyReferences
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University of Trieste
Aldo Magris (1949), laureato in Filosofia all'università di Torino, è stato fino al 2019 professore ordinario di Filosofia teoretica all'università di Trieste, dove ha insegnato anche Storia della filosofia antica e Storia delle religioni. Autore dei volumi: Invito al pensiero di Plotino (Milano: Mursia 1986); Fenomenologia della trascendenza (Milano: Guerini 1992); La logica del pensiero gnostico (Brescia: Morcelliana 1997); Nietzsche (Brescia: Morcelliana 2003); Destino, provvidenza, predestinazione. Dal mondo antico al cristianesimo (Brescia: Morcelliana 2009), Le invenzioni di Dio (Brescia: Morcelliana 2019), oltre a numerosi studi sulla filosofa greca, su gnosticismo e manicheismo, sul pensiero di Husserl e Heidegger.

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