The Mediation in the Human Cognition of God in the Thought of Paul Tillich
Paul Tillich was one of those important theologians of the 20th century who devoted much attention to issues related to theological theory of knowledge. In Tillich’s thought, God is the mystery of being infinitely close to man, but human cognition of this mystery is always mediated. This article analyzes the question of mediation in human cognition of God in the thought of the great protestant theologian. First, the mediating, symbolic character of all religious language is presented. Then the mediating nature of theology is analyzed. The third part presents the importance of mediation in human cognition of ultimate reality. The conducted research leads to the conclusion that, according to Tillich, there is no other way of thinking and talking about God than mediated in the created world. God ultimately remains a mystery that is revealed to us through the reality that surrounds us.
Paul Tillich, mediation, cognition of God, symbol, apophaticismReferences
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Independent Scholar
Marcin Walczak - doktor nauk teologicznych w zakresie teologii dogmatycznej, absolwent Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II. Redaktor i współautor książki Powrót do praktyki. Krytyka tradycyjnych sposobów rozumienia religii i nowe idee rozwoju duchowego w myśli filozoficznej i teologicznej XIX i XX wieku, autor artykułów naukowych. Sekretarz redakcji półrocznika „Teologia w Polsce”. Zainteresowania badawcze: teologia krytyczna, chrystologia, filozofia religii, myśl Paula Tillicha, teologiczne implikacje historycznych badań nad postacią Jezusa i początkami chrześcijaństwa.

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