Świadkowie Zmartwychwstałego. Duch święty i świadectwo w Dziejach Apostolskich

Jean-Noel Aletti


The article studies the narrative schemes in Acts in order to show how the apostles and other Christians became witnesses of the Resurrection. After his Resurrection in Lukes Gospel, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would enable the apostles to be witnesses to the events of Salvation. In Acts, Peter and the apostles choose Matthias to be a witness, since he was present from the beginning of Jesus' ministry through the Resurrection. Peters Pentecost discourse to the Jews gathered is similar to Pauls defence of Jesus Resurrection in Acts 13, in that both the apostles and Paul become missionary witnesses to all the things Jesus did, particularly proclaiming his Resurrection. Paul, therefore, becomes a creditable witness to Jesus on account of Gods calling and the Holy Spirit. His speeches in Acts are proof that he knows the Resurrected Christ and has received the Holy Spirit. Just as the Holy Spirit makes Cornelius a witness though Peter, Paul receives the Holy Spirit through Ananias, enabling him to prophesy and witness to Jesus to the ends of the earth. Narrative techniques in Acts aim at showing the reader the way to becoming a witness.


Dzieje Apostolskie, Zmartwychwstały, świadectwo, Ewangelia

Supporting Agencies:


Aletti, J.-N. (2002). Świadkowie Zmartwychwstałego. Duch święty i świadectwo w Dziejach Apostolskich. Verbum Vitae, 2, 127–149. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.1333

Jean-Noel Aletti  naporus@gmail.com


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