Henryk Witczyk’s Approach to Inspiration, Truth and Salvation

Henryk Witczyk, Natchnienie. Prawda. Zbawienie (Poznań: Pallottinum 2020). Ss. 425. 57,50 PLN. ISBN 978-83-7014-883-6 (hardcover)

Sławomir Zatwardnicki

Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław , Poland


The review summarises and critically assesses the contents of Henryk Witczyk’s monograph Inspiration. Truth. Salvation. The first part of the review examines the essential concepts of inspiration, truth, and salvation from that author’s point of view. Following the lead of the Pontifical Biblical Commission (PBC) and its document Inspiration and Truth of the Holy Scriptures, Witczyk considers the notion of inspiration as part of the revelation of God, against the backdrop of various origins of biblical books that are, however, all God-given. The faith of hagiographers turns out to be a common denominator for the genesis of sacred scriptures. Witczyk points out that the books of the New Testament are inspired by the Incarnate Word, and he emphasises the Holy Spirit’s activity in both the inspired authors and the inspired texts, i.e. that the books of Scripture are both inspired and inspiring. The author links the truth of the Holy Scriptures with the fact of inspiration, for only the word from God can speak about God. Further, Witczyk shows the original character of the truth of the Bible and lists its most important features according to the PBC. He also provides a persuasive apology of the credibility of the eyewitnesses of key events in the history of salvation, as well as the credibility of their oral testimony. The biblicist then analyses the connection between the revelation of God and the salvation of a man. Here, he focuses on the soteriology of the Book of Revelation. In the end, however, Witczyk does not seem to have fully carried out the intention of pointing out the organic connection between inspiration, truth, and salvation. The second part of the present article contains some critical observations by the reviewer, however, these in no way detract from the significance of Witczyk’s work.


biblical inspiration, truth of the Holy Scriptures, salvation, revelation of God, Henryk Witczyk, Pontifical Biblical Commission’s Document (2019)

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Sławomir Zatwardnicki  zatwardnicki@gmail.com
Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław

Sławomir Zatwardnicki is an assistant professor at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław and a secretary of the editorial office of Wrocław Theological Review. He is a lecturer, publicist, and author of many articles and twenty-one books. He joined the Society of Dogmatic Theologians in Poland and the Association of Fundamental Theologians in Poland in 2014. He is involved in evangelization and Catholic formation activities.


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