Od więzów krwi do wspólnoty wiary. Narracyjna analiza procesu budowania wspólnoty (Rdz 37-50)
Zdzisław Pawłowski
It is not by means of the theological system or theory that we come to know Israel's identity. It is expressed rather in and through stories. They tell us not so much about its past as about the events which have made the people of Israel a covenantal community. The Joseph narrative in Genesis 37 - 50 has a special significance in this context because it presents a family as a foundation and prototype of the community Israel has become at the foot of Mount Sinai. A narrative analysis of Gen 37 - 50 has demostrated that in a process of building up a community a set of rules operates: an ability to acknowledge one's wrongdoings against others, a concern for the weak and vulnerable, a willingness to stand surety for another, and finely a readiness to allow experiences and sufferings of others to get entangled in one's own history of life.Keywords:
Księga Rodzaju, Rdz 37-50, opowiadanie o Józefie, Józef, Izrael, wspólnota, analiza narracyjnaSupporting Agencies:
Pawłowski, Z. (2004). Od więzów krwi do wspólnoty wiary. Narracyjna analiza procesu budowania wspólnoty (Rdz 37-50). Verbum Vitae, 6, 35–70. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.1368
Zdzisław Pawłowski
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