Osobowy charakter biblijnego Słowa w rozumieniu Orygenesa

Mariusz Szram


The author explains Origen's unusually original concept of the Word of God. From various texts by Origen, it is apparent that he understood the Words of Scripture as one of the two forms of the incarnation of the Divine Logos. The eternal Word at a particular moment of Divine activity became a person, and throughout the annals of salvation history became the word of the Bible which through Him confronts every person.


Orygenes, wcielenie, Logos, słowo

Supporting Agencies:


Szram, M. (2005). Osobowy charakter biblijnego Słowa w rozumieniu Orygenesa. Verbum Vitae, 7, 187–200. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.1380

Mariusz Szram  naporus@gmail.com


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