"Holy Seed" in Isaiah 6:13: Echo of an Exclusive Concept of Israel’s Identity

Grzegorz Szamocki

University of Gdańsk , Poland


The last phrase in Isa 6:1–13, in which critical exegesis sees an element of a post-exilic suplement to an existing text, communicates the thought of surviving the announced destruction of the little remainder referred to as the “holy seed.” The problem considered in the presented study is the meaning of the term “holy seed” in Isa 6:13bβ, the possible context and the historical motive for inserting this phrase into the text of Isa 6, as well as the place of this complementary interference in the historical process of formation of Isa 6. The article presents literary and historical-critical analyses of the terms “seed” and “holy people” relating to the people of God and Israel, especially the expression “holy seed,” which in the Old Testament, apart from Isa 6:13bβ, occurs only in Ezra 9:2, while it appears more often in the Book of Jubilees and in the Aramaic Levi Document. The results of the research lead to the thesis that the supplement in Isa 6:13bβ is a testimony to the last interferences in the composition of Isaiah, behind which stood literati from the Zadokite circles of the Hasmonean period. The prophetic statement in Isa 6:13bβ redefines Israel as God’s people, separate from other nations. For this people there is hope for survival in a small remnant that remains aware of its election and holiness, and faithful to the covenant. This remnant of the people will prove to be the holy seed.


Holy seed, Isaiah, Zadokites, identity, exclusivism

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Szamocki, G. (2022). "Holy Seed" in Isaiah 6:13: Echo of an Exclusive Concept of Israel’s Identity. Verbum Vitae, 40(4), 1055–1074. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.14605

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