Droga do Emaus drogą ku wierze w zmartwychwstanie

Krzysztof Mielcarek


The article proposes a narrative approach toward a pericope of Luke 24,13-35. By singling out three main criteria of time, space and characters the author builds a picture of a story in which Luke tells his fellow-believers about reality of Jesus’ resurrection. His narrative does not function as a definite prove of the fact of resurrection, but is thought as a kind of encouragement for Christians to meet with living and resurrected Jesus Christ truly present in the rite of breaking bread.


Emaus, Łk 24, zmartwychwstanie, Kleofas, chrystofanie, chrystofania, Eucharystia, Zmartwychwstały, Jesus

Supporting Agencies:


Mielcarek, K. (2009). Droga do Emaus drogą ku wierze w zmartwychwstanie. Verbum Vitae, 15, 157–170. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.1512

Krzysztof Mielcarek  akubis@gmail.com


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