"To Serve and to Keep It" (Gen 2:15). Work as Vocation of Human Being in Genesis 1-2

Krzysztof Napora


Human work is commonly considered to be a painful consequence of the first couple disobedience in the garden of Eden. In our short essay we are trying analyze the issue of human work as it is described in the creation narratives in Gen. 1-2. The starting point for this analysis is God’s work of creation. It designates the point of reference for every human activity. In various pictures these introductory chapters of Genesis express the idea that human being is created and called to cooperate with God-Creator in God’s work of creation. Human efforts to dominate and to subdue the earth should aim at unceasing actualization of God’s plan of salvation for the world.


work, creation, Genesis 1, Genesis 2

Supporting Agencies:


Napora, K. (2014). „Aby służył i strzegł” (Rdz 2,15). Praca jako powołanie człowieka w świetle Rdz 1–2. Verbum Vitae, 25, 17–39. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.1566

Krzysztof Napora  naporus@gmail.com


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