God as a Righteous Judge in the Symbolical Biblical Iconosphere of the Christian Antiquity and Middle Ages

Krzysztof Bardski


The article presents and analyzes several symbolical-allegorical interpretations of biblical literary motives present in the work of Garnier of Langres Allegoriae totius Scripturae. They are gathered in the following groups: 1. The Body of God; 2. Instruments in the hands of God; 3. Weapons of God; 4. Cosmical-atmospherical symbolism; 5. Symbolism of the elements.


Bible, Scripture, symbol, allegory, interpretation, tradition, Garnier of Langres, judgment, judge

Supporting Agencies:


Bardski, K. (2014). Bóg jako sprawiedliwy sędzia w symbolicznej ikonosferze biblijnej starożytności chrześcijańskiej i średniowiecza. Verbum Vitae, 26, 143–157. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.1589

Krzysztof Bardski  akubis@gmail.com


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