Chrzest krwi jako heroiczny wyraz doskonałego świadectwa w nauczaniu Orygenesa

Jerzy Duda


Announcing God’s Word in connection with witnessing is the most basic of the Church’s tasks, stemming directly from its nature. In the first centuries of the Church, Christians often faced misunderstanding and persecution. This article presents quite an original conception of Origen (died ca. AD 253) concerning the issue of witnessing in its most radical form: martyrdom. Adamantios calls that the “baptism of blood”, treating it as the perfect form of advocating for Christ (imitatio Christi). Martyrdom is a projection of Christ’s paschal mystery. The baptism of blood cooperates with the passion sacrifice of the Savior in a great soteriologic process of redemption and purification of the world, leading all people to eschatological, glorious union with God in the glory of heaven. The heroic ideal of perfection outlined by Origen aimed not only at strengthening Christians during their testing and persecution, but also at reminding them of the basic task of apostolic mission: witnessing by all Christ’s

Słowa kluczowe:

Orygenes, teologia patrystyczna, chrzest krwi, świadek, świadectwo, zbawienie, soteriologia, wczesny Kościół



Duda, J. (2015). Chrzest krwi jako heroiczny wyraz doskonałego świadectwa w nauczaniu Orygenesa. Verbum Vitae, 27, 209–225.

Jerzy Duda


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