Catholics and Lutherans on Scripture. A Proposal by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI

Pablo Blanco-Sarto

University of Navarra , Spain


Luther emphasized the centrality of the word of God while formulating the principle of sola Scriptura, which later evolved. The Council of Trent and Vatican II present Scripture and tradition as complementary elements that originate from the same source, seeking their compatibility with the historical- critical method and the findings of contemporary exegesis. Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s “hermeneutics of faith” goes in the same direction but with a personal development, as can be noticed in Jesus of Nazareth, published between 2007 and 2013. The article’s main contribution is the comprehensive description of Ratzinger’s ideas about interpreting Scripture. Along with the succinct summary of Ratzinger’s biblical thought, the article also presents some critical comments on his ideas and works in confrontation with the Protestant doctrine about reading and interpreting the Bible.


Revelation, Scripture, tradition, Trent, Vatican II, historical-critical method, exegesis, hermeneutics

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Blanco-Sarto, P. (2024). Catholics and Lutherans on Scripture. A Proposal by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Verbum Vitae, 42, 47–62.

Pablo Blanco-Sarto
University of Navarra


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