Hermeneutical and Exegetical Assumptions in the Work "Jesus of Nazareth" by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Some Examples

Matteo Crimella

The Theological Faculty of Northern Italy in Milan , Italy


This article examines Joseph Ratzinger’s trilogy on Jesus of Nazareth, focusing especially on the first volume, shedding light on three of his hermeneutical assumptions. Firstly, there is a consideration of the understanding of the historical reliability of the Gospels. Secondly, there is a focus on the double hermeneutic of the parables, namely, the hermeneutic of history and that of faith. A critical review of Ratzinger’s analysis of three Lucan parables (Luke 10:25–37; 15:11–32; 16:19–31) leads to the proposal of a different reading which avoids the allegorical trap and values the argumentative mechanism of the fictitious stories, understood as frontier of the Gospel. Finally, holiness is touched on as an authentic interpretation of Sacred Scripture.


Joseph Ratzinger, Beneditct XVI, Historical Jesus, Parable, Luke 10:25-37, Luke 15:11-32, Luke 16:19-31, hermeneutic of history, hermeneutic of faith

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Crimella, M. (2024). Hermeneutical and Exegetical Assumptions in the Work "Jesus of Nazareth" by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Some Examples. Verbum Vitae, 42, 125–140. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.17194

Matteo Crimella  matteo.crimella@gmail.com
The Theological Faculty of Northern Italy in Milan https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0425-3211


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