The Foundation Stones of the New Jerusalem: An Analysis of the Image in Rev 21:19-20

Joanna Nowińska


The Book of Revelation uses many words connected with nature and the process of creation. One of the most interesting categories is that of jewels and precious stones, partly because of the great variety which are presented. They are incorporated into the foundations of the walls of the New Jerusalem – called the wife of the Lamb (21:9) – and present an image of the richness and variety of God’s relationship with his people. The localization of the stones seems to describe an intimacy, a spiritual depth and a latency. The spectrum of colors, available only in the light, is used here as a kind of God’s presentation – He is described by a gold, a brightness, a jasper and a clear glass. The level of intimacy with God is conditioned by the greatness of the sphere of beauty, available to a human being. The names of the Apostles on the stones focus attention on the aspect of community, and the sequence of ordinal numerals reveals the harmony and order of that relationship. It is interesting that the author does not relegate such intimacy with God to a future, eschatological time, but rather invites the reader to discover it now, in the personal reality of the spiritual life.



Revelation, precious stones, foundation, God, picture, city, bride

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Joanna Nowińska


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