The Serpent and Its Symbolism in the Bible

Janusz Adam Lemański

Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytet Szczeciński , Poland


A serpent or viper is one of the most popular symbols within many cultures word-wide. In the Ancient Near East it had positive as well as negative connotations, but in the Bible the latter predominate. There, the serpent typically represents chaos, magic, a state of threat, death, or deceit. Nevertheless, among the numerous biblical metaphors and comparisons employing the image of the serpent or viper, there are some which present a positive image. In the older strata of biblical texts, especially those taken from the Book of Exodus (Chapters 4 and 7) or the Book of Numbers (Chapter 21), we find positive references in which a serpent represents JHWH and his healing power.


serpent, viper, threat, deceit, death, symbol

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Janusz Adam Lemański
Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytet Szczeciński prof. dr hab. Autor ponad 100 artykułów i 11 monografii, tym komentarzy naukowych do Księgi Rodzaju oraz Wyjścia, dwutomowego wprowadzenia do profetyzmu starotestamentalnego.


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