Biblical Leviathan – A Real Animal or Mythic Marine Monster?

Dawid Mielnik

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii , Poland


The main purpose of the paper is discovering whether Leviathan in the Hebrew Bible is a real animal or a mythic marine monster. A definitive answer is in fact possible, thanks to analysis of certain biblical fragments where the crucial term is present. The paper is divided into two main parts: First, Leviathan is examined as encountered within extra-biblical literature. In the second part, this creature is analyzed in the context of concrete biblical fragments which include a presentation of Leviathan. On the basis of research, it can be claimed that, in the Hebrew Bible, Leviathan is to be understood as a mythic marine monster. Conversely, there is no known fragment in which Leviathan has to be understood as a real animal.


Leviathan, marine monsters, mythology, dragons

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Dawid Mielnik
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii Absolwent teologii, filozofii, studiów podyplomowych z edytorstwa. Autor monografii naukowej oraz kilkunastu artykułów naukowych. Kilkukrotnie wyróżniony w konkursie "Studencki Nobel" na szczeblu lokalnym oraz ogólnopolskim, trzykrotny laureat ogólnopolskich olimpiad


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