Was Jesus Moved by Compassion or Overwhelmed with Anger? An Analysis of Mark 1:41 according to the Arguments of Textual Criticism

Tomasz Bartłomiej Bąk

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The pericope in Mark 1:40-45 portrays the healing of the leper. A majority of manuscripts of the Gospel use the participle σπλαγχνισθείς in Mark 1,41 to describe Jesus as “moved by compassion”. Nevertheless, there are other versions of the text, including Codex Bezae, which contain a different reading of this participle, namely as ὀργισθείς, which would characterize Jesus as overwhelmed with anger. Faced with this glaring discrepancy, one needs to decide which version is more appropriate from the point of view of textual criticism. This article discusses both possibilities and attempts to provide the most fitting solution. External criticism of this text (based on the assumption that no scribal error occurred), especially arguments stemming from its internal analysis, bring us to the conclusion that the reading ὀργισθείς characterizing Jesus as overwhelmed with anger, is most credible.


σπλαγχνίζομαι, ὀργίζομαι, Mk 1:40-45, Mk 1:41, Jesus' compassion, mercifulness, Jesus' anger

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Bąk, T. B. (2018). Jezus zdjęty litością czy ogarnięty gniewem? Analiza Mk 1,41 w świetle argumentów z krytyki tekstu. Verbum Vitae, 34, 215–247. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.2018.34.09

Tomasz Bartłomiej Bąk  tomciobak@gmail.com
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Ks. Tomasz B. Bąk, prezbiter diecezji rzeszowskiej, adiunkt Katedry Filologii Biblijnej i Literatury Międzytestamentalnej Instytutu Nauk Biblijnych KUL oraz wykładowca Pisma Świętego w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Rzeszowie. Uzyskał licencjat nauk biblijnych Papieskiego Instytutu Biblijnego w Rzymie (2009), a następnie licencjat (2011) i doktorat nauk orientalnych (2014) na Wydziale Orientalnym Biblicum w Rzymie. Jego badania oprócz obszaru biblijnego koncentrują się na filologii i literaturze koptyjskiej.



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