The Biblical Symbol of Hell in Paul Tillich's Existential Perspective

Piotr Lorek

Ewangelikalna Wyższa Szkoła Teologiczna we Wrocławiu , Poland


The article contributes to the reconstruction of Paul Tillich’s view of the symbol of hell. It analyzes such issues as the resurrection of the body, the continuity of an individual’s awareness, the postmortem dualism of individuals’ fate as well as the conception of hell in its temporal and ultimate, as far as the experience of an individual is concerned, dimension. By introducing the negation of both discontinuity and continuity between the ultimate and the temporal, Tillich deliteralizes particular eschatological notions and shows their symbolic value, which elucidates the existential situation of an individual in his or her finitude and estrangement, as well as in surpassing temporality reality.


existientalism, hell, eternal death, afterlife, Paul Tillich, apocatastasis, estrangement, essentialization

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Piotr Lorek
Ewangelikalna Wyższa Szkoła Teologiczna we Wrocławiu

Piotr Lorek, doktor habilitowany nauk teologicznych, biblista i teolog protestancki, dziekan i profesor Ewangelikalnej Wyższej Szkoły Teologicznej we Wrocławiu.


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