The Role of Rahab in the Conquest of the Promised Land (Jos 2:1-24)

Anna Kot


The article deals with one of the women presented in the Deuteronomistic History, namely, Rahab, the harlot. The essay contains some necessary elements of the literary analysis which introduce the reader into the preliminary understanding of the text. The central part of the study, which is the exegesis of the dialogs, purports to show the importance of Rahab's actions for the conquest of the Promised Land. The special object of the author's interest are the deeds of the woman including her profession of faith (2:9-11) which is the pivotal point of the analyzed section. The article proves that, besides guarding the spies' way of escape, Rahab's role consists in confirming the words of God before Israel and in stressing his power to put them into effect. Thanks to such an incentive the Israelites are able to enter the Promised Land.


Rahab, woman, confession of faith, Deuteronomistic bistory, The Book of Joshua

Supporting Agencies:


Kot, A. (2011). Rola Rachab w zajęciu ziemi obiecanej (Joz 2,1-24). Verbum Vitae, 19, 65–87.

Anna Kot


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