A Diaconal Ministry of Women in Light of the New Testament, Patristics and the Church's Contemporary Teaching

Piotr Nyk


The theme of the diaconal ministry of women bas not been discussed in any article in the area o f the polish biblical researches, as yet. The present essay tries to fill this gap by analyzing the three texts: Rom 16:1-2; Phil 1:1 and 1 Tim 3:11. The witness of Rom 16:1-2 provides the exegetes with the richest data concerning the theme of the diaconal ministry of women in the Pauline communities about the middle of the 1st century. The reference to the diaconal ministry made with the use of technical expression διάκονοι points not only to male but also to female ministers in the Church of Philippi. The diaconal ministry of women consisted in guiding the local churches and maintaining connections between them.


deaconess, ministry of woman in the New Testament, terminology of deacon

Supporting Agencies:


Nyk, P. (2011). Diakońskie posługiwanie kobiet w świadectwie Nowego Testamentu. Verbum Vitae, 19, 177–204. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.2033

Piotr Nyk  naporus@gmail.com


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