The Spirit-Paraclete and the Church’s Memory in the Fourth Gospel

Branislav Kluska

Catholic University in Ruzomberok (Slovakia). Faculty of Education , Slovakia


Jesus in his farewell speech announces the sending of the Paraclete (Jn 14:26), whose task will be to remind Jesus' disciples of what Christ had taught them. The article tries to answer the question: What is a proper understanding of the Spirit-Paraclete's action upon disciples’ memory? The author of the article addresses this issue from the perspective of biblical theology. First, he presents in a synthetic way the understanding of memory in the Bible and the basic assumptions of the theory of social memory. Then he analyzes the text and offers a theological interpretation of the promise of Jn 14:26 and other texts of the Fourth Gospel where a motif of remembrance is present (2,17.22; 12,16). Memory is an essential element of the experience of the post-paschal Church. The activity of the Spirit connects the present of the Church with the past of the historical Jesus. The memory animated by the Paraclete and enlightened by the experience of the Resurrection always focuses on the words of the Scriptures and the words of Jesus. The believers' social memory within Johannine Christianity is not sufficient in and of itself, but needs the Holy Spirit's action in order to effectively build the community's identity.


Memory, Paraclete, Fourth Gospel, John 14:26, Post-paschal Church, Social memory

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Branislav Kluska
Catholic University in Ruzomberok (Slovakia). Faculty of Education

Kľuska Branislav, doktor teologii biblijnej, absolwent Instytutu Nauk Biblijnych KUL. Docent na Wydziale Pedagogicznym Katolickiego Uniwersytetu w Ružomberoku na Słowacji. Wykładowca teologii biblijnej i egzegezy Nowego Testamentu oraz katechezy biblijnej. Autor i współautor licznych publikacji w języku polskim, słowackim, niemieckim i angielskim, Uczeń ikoną Chrystusa. Studium egzegetyczno-teologiczne Mowy pożegnalnej J 13,31-16,33 (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2007); Marek: komentáre k Novému zakonu. 1. zväzok (Trnava: Dobrá kniha 2013); „Bibeldidaktik – Neue Medien : das Heilsgeschehen ins Hier und Jetzt holen”, Zeitschrift für Integrative Gestaltpädagogik und Seelsorge 19/73 (2014) 53-54.


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