Natural Conditioning of the Spiritual Life: A Contribution to Methodological Reflection
Krzysztof Marek Matuszewski
University of Silesia in Katowice , Poland
The spiritual life constitutes an integral experience of any person being led by the Holy Spirit toward full communion with God. It is never something abstract, divorced from Sitz im Leben, in either the psychological aspect or the socio-cultural dimension, thus it always bears certain signs of one’s temperament, environment, and history. The present paper proposes a methodology of research into the natural basis of the spiritual life (psychological and socio-cultural), which influences the way God’s grace is received and experienced. The natural structures of the spiritual life constitute the ground, which is submitted to God’s salvific action and bears fruit in various forms. The description of the spiritual life demands the use of the appropriate methodology, which can be based on the combination of the doctrinal-sapiential (deductive) approach and the existential-anthropological (inductive) approach. An important auxiliary role in the description of the spiritual phenomenon can be played by psychological methods, for instance those that derive from the psycho-biographical approach, which allows us to capture what is unique in human functioning.
methodology of spiritual theology, the spiritual life, natural structures of the spiritual life, psychological conditioning, socio-cultural conditioningReferences
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University of Silesia in Katowice
Rev. Krzysztof Matuszewski is a priest of the Archdiocese of Katowice and holds a PhD in Spiritual Theology. He is also a psychologist and psychotherapist. He works as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Theology, University of Silesia. His academic interests are related, among others, to the psychological and socio-cultural conditioning of the spiritual life, relationships between psychology and spirituality, as well as the psychological aspects of forgiveness. He is the head of “Przystań” – the Archdiocesan Mental Health Service. As a psychotherapist and psychologist he specializes in individual psychotherapy for adults and teenagers, as well as psychological counselling. He also helps in the formation of candidates to priesthood in theological seminaries in Katowice, Łódź, and Kraków, providing them with psychological diagnosis. He is a member of the prevention team for the protection of children and teenagers in the Archdiocese of Katowice. Additionally, he participates in the activities of St. Joseph’s Fund, created by the Episcopal Conference of Poland in order to offer help and assistance to people who were sexually abused as children or teenagers.
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