Topics of the forthcoming fascicles / Call for papers 2025-2026


Dear Authors and Readers,

the forthcoming issues of our quarterly will deal with the following topics:

43/1 (2025) Hispanic-Mozarabic Rite: History and Theology (deadline: Nov 30, 2024; publication: March 30, 2025)
43/2 (2025) Varia/miscellaneous studies (continuous submission, publication: Jun 30, 2025)
43/3 (2025) Words, Ways, and Signs of Christian Hope in the Context of the Jubilee Year 2025 (deadline: 30 May 2025, publication: Sep 30, 2025)
43/4 (2025) Varia/miscellaneous studies (continuous submission, publication: Dec 30, 2025)
44/1 (2026) Vaticanum II: History, Theology, and Reception (texts only in English; deadline: Oct 30, 2025; publication: March 30, 2026)

Please feel free to email your submissions and suggestions to the editorial board:
Contributions submitted for the thematic volumes may be in Polish, English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish. However, contributions to "Varia" issues ought to be made in English only.

Kind regards
Verbum Vitae Editorial Team