Martha the Hostess and Mary the Listener. A Dialogue with two Feminist Interpretations of Luke 10:38-42

Matteo Crimella

Theological Faculty of Northern Italy, Milan , Italy


This article examines the pericope of Lk 10:38-42 through the lens of gender. It presents the specific contributions of E. Schüssler Fiorenza and also M. Perroni, both of whom have interpreted the passage according to a feminist approach. The former has developed some hermeneutical criteria while the latter has insisted on female discipleship, claiming that, for Luke, the women are believers but not missionaries. The present article turns critically on the essential points of the two commentators, showing that a careful philological and contextual analysis does not allow the episode to be read as a representation of ministry in the Church. Instead, Mary’s behaviour of placing herself at the Lord’s feet appears alienating, an action which is both surprising and contrary to the social canons. The episode lays stress on precisely this difference, showing that the two poles are not "service" and "listening" but rather "distracting preoccupations" versus a "disciple’s attitude". The behaviour of the two sisters thus functions as a mirror by which the reader is invited to discern different attitudes towards Jesus.


Luke 10:38-42, feminist criticism, gender approach

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Crimella, M. (2022). Martha the Hostess and Mary the Listener. A Dialogue with two Feminist Interpretations of Luke 10:38-42. Verbum Vitae, 40(1), 51–67.

Matteo Crimella
Theological Faculty of Northern Italy, Milan


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