Negative Theology: Its Use and Christological Function in Late Antiquity and Subsequent Developments

Johannes Aakjær Steenbuch

Independent Scholar , Denmark


This article discusses the historical development of negative theology from its formulations in early Christianity to its later forms in Medieval Neo-Platonism. First analyzing how in early Christian thought negative theology was often used for a Christological purpose, the article goes on to discuss the implications of the Neo-Platonic notion of God as beyond being. While primarily applying a historical methodology, the article concludes by encouraging a rediscovery of the Christological orientation for negative theology found in its early Christian formulations.


negative theology, Christology, Clement of Alexandria, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Neo-Platonism

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Aakjær Steenbuch, J. (2023). Negative Theology: Its Use and Christological Function in Late Antiquity and Subsequent Developments. Verbum Vitae, 41(3), 623–645.

Johannes Aakjær Steenbuch
Independent Scholar

Johannes Aakjær Steenbuch - Ph.D., Cand.Mag. in philosophy from the University of Copenhagen and the secretary of the Danish Patristics Association. He has recently published Negative Theology: A Short Introduction (Cascade Books 2022). A member of the International Association of Patristic Studies and Collegium Patristicum Lundense.


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