How Did Moses Make God Angry? The Problem of God’s Anger in Exodus 4:24-26

Dawid Mielnik

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii , Poland


The main purpose of this paper is an analysis and evaluation of the ideas of some major exegetes in their attempts to explain the reason for God’s anger in the narrative of Exodus 4:24-26. The author first analyzes the difficulties generated by this problematic pericope, then lays out and examines the related  propositions of four different researchers. Based on our investigation, we suggest that none of these scholarly treatments provides a satisfying answer to all the identified conundrums that emerge from the text. With each of the explanations, there are always some problems that remain unsolved. Despite this fact, the best understanding of God’s anger here seems to be connected with the uncircumcised state of one character in the narrative. Although this idea links only weakly to the pericope’s context, it still offers the best solution to the internal difficulties of the narrative.


circumcision, Moses, Zipporah, angry, murder

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Dawid Mielnik
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii Absolwent teologii, filozofii, studiów podyplomowych z edytorstwa. Autor monografii naukowej oraz kilkunastu artykułów naukowych. Kilkukrotnie wyróżniony w konkursie "Studencki Nobel" na szczeblu lokalnym oraz ogólnopolskim, trzykrotny laureat ogólnopolskich olimpiad


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