The Wrath of Jesus at Caesarea Philippi. An Exegetical Study of Mk 8:31-33

Tomasz Bartłomiej Bąk

Instytut Nauk Biblijnych KUL ,


The pericope of Mk 8:31-33 undoubtedly ranks among the most complex fragments in the entire Gospel. The Apostle Peter, who had already confessed his faith in Jesus as the Messiah (v. 29), is referred to with the following words: “Get behind Me, Satan” (v. 33). This article attempts to show that Jesus, in his rebuke of his apostle (even though the verb ἐπιτιμάω is consistently used in the Gospel to describe the casting out of unclean spirits) does not intend to condemn or reject Peter. Instead, the meaning behind the scene that played out in Caesarea Philippi is yet another call for Peter to follow Jesus unconditionally. The words of Jesus: ὕπαγε ὀπίσω μου (v. 33) bring to mind Peter’s calling, described both at the beginning (1:16-18) and at the end (16:7) of the Gospel of Mark.


Jesus’ rebuke, Mark 8, 31-33, Peter’s rebuke, Peter’s calling, Satan

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Tomasz Bartłomiej Bąk
Instytut Nauk Biblijnych KUL


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