Miriam: The Forgotten Heroine of the Exodus

Mirosław Jasiński


The study is an attempt to reveal the Miriam’s contribution into process of formation of biblical Israel as nation. Author of deliberations is focusing attention on two fundamental texts, that is Ex 15:20-21 and Num 12. After presentation of the literary structure of selected periscopes – making some important references to other biblical texts of the Old Testament – the author tries to portray Miriam as a singer, a precursor of worship, a prophetess and a guide of the people. Highlighting her suffering as an indispensable element of the prophetic charism, he underlines its importance for verification and authentication of Miriam’s prophetic authority. According to the author, the prophetic charism of Miriam, shown by the hagiographer for the service of hope, consisted, among others, in a “conveying” of her brethren from the visible into invisible world, from the present into the future, and from temporality toward eternity. 


Exodus, Miriam, prophetess, prophet's suffering, Motber of Jesus Christ, musician

Supporting Agencies:


Jasiński, M. (2011). Miriam – zapomniana bohaterka Exodusu. Verbum Vitae, 19, 41–64. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.2026

Mirosław Jasiński  naporus@gmail.com


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