Woman's Vocation according to Ben Sira

Jolanta Judyta Pudełko


The issue of the vocation of woman in The Book of Ben Sirach begins with the presentation of the autbor and the purpose of his teaching. Hellenistic culture influenced the customs of the Jewish believers as well as their views on human relationships and the image of woman as described in the biblical tradition. Despite the many positive aspects of woman presented in the book, commentators often regard Ben Sirach as a misogynist who noticeably reduces women's value and social position. A deeper reading of the book in its cultural context, however, enables us to see a strong diversity and multiple contrasts in the author's presentation of woman. The vocation of woman in The Book of Ben Sirach, like other topics, draws on the traditions of biblical Israel, especially on the Book of Genesis.


The Book of Ben Sirach, woman, Hellenistic culture, woman 's vocation, matrimony

Supporting Agencies:


Pudełko, J. J. (2011). Powołanie kobiety według Syracedesa. Verbum Vitae, 19, 89–105. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.2032

Jolanta Judyta Pudełko  naporus@gmail.com


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