Historical and Theological Sources of Secularism and Secularisation

Krzysztof Góźdź

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


This article proposes a new way of approaching the roots of secularism and its outcome that is secularization. The fact that this phenomenon arises precisely in a Christian world, which ultimately leads to a complete emancipation of that what is worldly toward religion, profanum toward sacrum, is astonishing. The process of European secularism has its beginning in the 11th century, when the so-called dispute about reason was initiated resulting, in the next epochs of human history, in an intensifying departure from transcendence in favour of a secular interpretation of reality. What ensued is a fading away of the classical understanding of truth as a “compatibility of entities with intellect” (adaequatio rei et intellectus), that is compatibility of understanding and reality, replacing understanding with one’s own crafting of reality, making of a new society. An examination of the history of the European secularization can contribute to a rise of a new humanism, which rests upon reasonableness that originates at the deepest basis of the Logos.


secularism, secularization, theology, reason, truth, transcendence, Logos

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Góźdź, K. (2022). Historical and Theological Sources of Secularism and Secularisation. Verbum Vitae, 40(2), 359–373. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.13269

Krzysztof Góźdź  kgozdz@kul.pl
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Rev. Krzysztof Góźdź, professor of theology, chair of History of Christian Dogmas and Historical Theology at the Faculty of Theology at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.



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